Aria player for finale effect
Aria player for finale effect

aria player for finale effect aria player for finale effect

To load new instruments from Garritan Instruments for Finale, choose an instrument using the popup menus on the left or click empty (or the name of a loaded instrument). You can load up to eight ARIA Players in Finale’s Audio Units Banks & Effects dialog box, for a total of 128 instruments. Each of these sixteen boxes represents the channel assignment for one bank of 16 Finale channels. Save and load ensembles to transfer your ARIA Player setup across Finale documents. More information about the ARIA Player and additional Garritan libraries can be found at The ARIA Player allows you to manually assign Finale's included Garritan instruments to Finale channels, view the range of each instrument and its keyswitches, and make adjustments to the properties of the instrument sound. Or, you may simply want to use the ARIA Player as a reference to identify the range or the keyswitches of a sound. You need to use the ARIA Player to assign sounds manually if you want to deviate from a Garritan library's Sound Map assignment for a particular instrument (for the best experience in using a standalone Garritan library with Finale, see Setting up Garritan sound libraries in Finale in our Knowledge Base). (See MIDI/Audio/Reassign Playback Sounds for details).


Noteman says: All manual sound assignments in the ARIA Player are overwritten in favor of the Sound Map Priority whenever the Reassign Playback Sounds command is applied to the document. Finale does this whenever you start a new document with the Setup Wizard, or when you add or change a sound in the ScoreManager (as long as a Garritan Sound Map is prioritized highest in the Sound Map Priority dialog box–see Sound Maps). Whenever you are using Finale's included Garritan instrument sounds, Finale assigns all sounds in the ARIA Player automatically.

  • Click Edit Player under the Sound column).
  • Under the Device column for an instrument, choose ARIA Player.
  • Ensure MIDI/Audio > Play Finale Through Audio Units is checked.
  • Click the pop-up menu for one of the banks and choose Garritan: ARIA Player.
  • Choose MIDI/Audio > Audio Units Banks & Effects.

  • Aria player for finale effect